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Hey, Look, I’m on TV! (sort of …but not really) Hi Mom! One Bearded Twitter makes GC’s Morning Drive


Look out world, One Bearded Golfer is going multi-platform. It’s about to get a lot fuzzier around here.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog reading to bring you this breaking new report:

The One Bearded Golfer got a shout-out this morning on the Golf Channel’s Morning Drive program.

Prior to the regular “Ask Matty G” segment, wherein Matt Ginella answers questions on golf trips and golf courses from his Twitter followers (@MattGinellaGC), my question got thrust into the spotlight.

I wish it was because it was such a clever question or including some witty commentary.  Nope.  Mine was a simple question about wanting to play nice golf courses in Vegas for less than $200.00 per round.

Frankly, I’ve got to tip my cap to Boo Weekley this week in Hawaii. I’ve grown my beard that long, but I don’t think I made any public appearances that week.

So why did my tweeted question get special treatment?  Because God Bless Boo Weekley and Graham DeLaet, and their incredible beards that they brought with them to Hawaii’s Sony Open stop on the PGA Tour this week.

I suppose the producers couldn’t pass up the chance to tie in one of their fuzzy-faced viewers onto the heels of their segment highlighting the boys’ very un-PGA Tour facial fur.

I know it’s just one of probably at least a dozen responses that Matt Ginella gets for this segment each and every week.  Nonetheless, it was kind of a thrill and a lark for me and The Wife this morning.

You can enjoy a very bootleg recording of the minute long segment below.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled surfing of the Interwebs.


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